You are currently viewing LIQUID DEATH (PART 2)


In case you missed the part 1 of this article, I strongly recommend that you go to my wall, find it and read it.
Let’s continue : Remember all these sugary water drinks (juice, soda, energy drinks etc) are made of glucose and fructose.
In part 1,we discussed glucose, now let’s talk about fructose.
Fructose makes things worse. It goes right to your liver, where it starts manufacturing fats, which triggers more insulin resistance and causes chronically elevated blood insulin, driving your body to store everything thing you eat as dangerous belly fats.
You also get a fatty liver, which generates more inflammation.
Chronic inflammation causes more weight gain and diabesity.
Anything that causes inflammation will worsen insulin resistance.
Another problem with fructose is that it doesn’t send informational feedback to the brain, signalling that a load of calories just hit the body.
Nor does it reduce ghreli, the appetite hormone that is usually reduced when you eat food.
Now you can see just how easily, 750 calories of soda (juice and energy drinks) can create biochemical chaos.
In addition, these sugary drinks contains no fiber, vitamins, minerals or phytonuterints to help you process the calories you are consuming.
These are “empty ” calories devoid of any nutritional value, but they are “full” of trouble.
Your body doesn’t register soda as food, so you eat more all day long.
Plus, your taste buds get hijacked, so everything that’s not super -sweet doesn’t taste good to you.
“Really, inspite of my consumption of these liquid poison all these years, and I am still healthy ” You may be thinking in your mind
Relax, I will answer your question in part 3. Don’t miss it.


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